Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries Doctors Austin Texas


Auto Injury Doctors Texas


(855) 632-4342


Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries Doctors Austin Texas

Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries Doctors Austin Texas: Doctors Austin Clinic is known for getting great results. We provide a wide variety of treatment plans for our auto injury and personal injury doctors in Austin that help you quickly recover from your injuries.

Many injuries are not obvious immediately after an auto or personal accident.  However, some injuries present themselves much later. These injuries can be very serious and can including but are not limited to:

  • Herniated discs
  • Hairline fractures
  • And even brain injuries

Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries Doctors

Doctors Austin Clinic specialize in Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries

Do you have neck or back pain, symptoms of whiplash, or another injury? Doctors Austin Clinic has a team of full-time medical doctors, physician assistants, nurses and therapy technicians standing by to assist in your immediate medical care and pain relief. Get checked out by one of our doctors right away!

Common Car Accident Injuries

Over 12 million auto accidents a year is the U.S.A average. Out of the 12 million auto accidents, 4 million results in fatalities, and the remaining 8 million incidents result in a numerous amount of other injuries.

Personal Injury Doctors Texas

The following are some examples of common auto accident injuries:

  • Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries DoctorsImpact injuries – Bruising, lacerations or broken bones due to vehicle or cargo impact.
  • Head and brain injuries – Brain hemorrhages, concussions and swelling due to a blow to the head (you may experience memory loss, headaches and/or blurred vision).
  • Neck or spinal cord injuries – Whiplash, paralysis or chronic back pain due to the crushing of the vertebrae (Any of the bones or cartilaginous segments forming the spinal column).
  • Pelvic and abdominal injuries – Kidney, spleen and liver injuries as well as broken pelvises due to the front or side impacts.
  • Psychological trauma – Increased anxiety, nervousness, and fear.

Workers Compensation Doctors, Auto Injury / Personal Injury Doctors

(855) 632-4342

Open 4:30 AM to 11:30 PM 7 Days

Extended Hours – Local Doctors

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    Texas Department Of Transportation Car Accident Statistics Reports:

    The report, using data compiled as of May 2014, breaks down the car accident statistics even further. It notes that during 2013:

    • Texas Department Of TransportationThere was one re-portable crash every 71 seconds.
    • Every 2 minutes and 16 seconds, one person was reported as injured.
    • There was not one day in 2013 where a death did not occur as a result of a car crash in Texas.
    • These are staggering statistics, but overall the number of car accident fatalities during 2013 declined from the prior year.
    • Nobody is immune to car accidents. A total of 232,041 people sustained injuries in TX car accidents during 2013. People from all walks of life can sustain serious injury, death or significant loss if they are involved in a vehicle crash.

    Car Accident Statistics In Austin

    Austin is one of the largest cities in Texas and the nation. Auto accidents are a daily occurrence, and they frequently cause harm to drivers, passengers, and passerby.

    Here are a few crash statistics from the 2013 Texas Department of Transportation report:

    Traffic Crashes in Austin:

    • BestDoctorsNetwork-auto-injury-patients-galley13,029 total reported crashes
    • 10,371 total injuries
    • 69 fatal crashes and 72 total deaths
    • 343 total crashes of unknown severity
    • Drunk Driving Accidents in Austin
    • 1,261 total crashes
    • 880 total injuries
    • 27 deaths

    (Source 2013 TxDOT report)

    The Most Common Driving Distractions That Can Cause a Vehicle Accident

    Austin Texas Clinic board-certified doctors in Personal Injuries and Auto Injuries and are well aware that accidence can happen even when you drive defensively. Not only do we have to be aware of how we ourselves are driving but we also must be aware of others drive alongside us. The first signs of a distracted driver are (but is not limited to):

    • Reckless driving
    • swerving
    • sometimes even below minimum speeds can be expected

    The 8 most common driver distractions that could endanger you and the others around you.

    1. Audio and Video Distractions
    2. Billboards and Advertisements
    3. Daydreaming
    4. Eating and Drinking
    5. Fixing Up and Grooming
    6. Pets and Kids
    7. Sleepiness
    8. Social Media

    Finding a doctor in Austin that puts you at ease and listens to your problems is very important.

    Here at Doctors Austin Clinic are dedicate in treating personal Injury and auto injury patients in the Austin area.

    We have found that the care of a Chiropractic is one of the most effective therapies in reducing soft tissue pain (The term soft tissue pain simply refers to discomfort somewhere in the interconnected system of muscles, tendons, and ligaments, as opposed to the bones) and dysfunction and restoring the strength and integrity of your injured tissues.

    Schedule a Consultation with one of our board-certified chiropractor that uses the most modern and effective chiropractic treatments to your body’s specific needs. Our chiropractor will make sure that you do not have underlying issues that traditional medicine may have missed.

    Do you feel you are in need of legal advice?

    Learn more about Fatal car crashes and road traffic accidents in Austin, Texas.

    If you find yourself injured as a result of any type of personal injury accident, whether it be an auto accident or any other type make sure that you.

    Contact us For Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries Doctors Austin Texas.

    Personal Injury Doctors Texas

    The Most Common Driving Distractions That Can Cause a Vehicle Accident

    Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries Doctors Austin Texas
    and are well aware that accidence can happen even when you drive defensively. Not only do we have to be aware of how we ourselves are driving but we also must be aware of others drive alongside us. The first signs of a distracted driver are (but is not limited to):

    • Reckless driving
    • swerving
    • sometimes even below minimum speeds can be expected

    The 8 most common driver distractions that could endanger you and the others around you.

    1. Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries DoctorsAudio and Video Distractions
    2. Billboards and Advertisements
    3. Daydreaming
    4. Eating and Drinking
    5. Fixing Up and Grooming
    6. Pets and Kids
    7. Sleepiness
    8. Social Media

    Finding a doctor in Austin that puts you at ease and listens to your problems is very important.

    Here at Doctors Austin Clinic are dedicate in treating personal Injury and auto injury patients in the Austin area.

    We have found that the care of a Chiropractic is one of the most effective therapies in reducing soft tissue pain (The term soft tissue pain simply refers to discomfort somewhere in the interconnected system of muscles, tendons, and ligaments, as opposed to the bones) and dysfunction and restoring the strength and integrity of your injured tissues.

    Schedule a Consultation with one of our board-certified chiropractor that uses the most modern and effective chiropractic treatments to your body’s specific needs. Our chiropractor will make sure that you do not have underlying issues that traditional medicine may have missed.

    Do you feel you are in need of legal advice?

    Learn more about Fatal car crashes and road traffic accidents in Austin, Texas.

    If you find yourself injured as a result of any type of personal injury accident, whether it be an auto accident or any other type make sure that you.

    Contact us at Doctors Austin Personal Injury and Auto Injury Clinic.

    Workers Compensation Doctors Network | Auto Injury Doctors | Personal Injury Doctors - Best Doctors Network (855) 632-4342

    Workers Compensation & Personal Injury, Auto Injury Doctors – We specialize in treating injured Patients and know how to handle insurance paper-work.

    Workers Compensation Doctors Network | Auto Injury Doctors | Personal Injury Doctors - Best Doctors Network (855) 632-4342

    Workers Compensation & Auto Injury / Personal Injury Doctors

     (855) 632-4342

    Open 4:30 AM to 11:30 PM 7 Days

    Extended Hours- Local Patients