Auto and Personal Injury Doctors Houston Texas


Auto Injury Doctors Texas


(855) 632-4342


Auto and Personal Injury Doctors Houston Texas

Auto and Personal Injury Doctors Houston Texas: The Doctors Houston Clinic is a team of highly qualified physicians and staff specializing in treating Houston patients who have auto and personal injuries, slip-and-fall, or work-related accidents. We have an excellent group of physicians who specialize in a wide range of care: from the treatment of soft tissue and closed head injuries, to injuries that may require orthopedic and spine surgery – we have you covered.

Of all states, Texas consistently leads the nation in the number of traffic accident fatalities. Approximately 3,000 people are killed in auto accidents in Texas each year, and from 2010 through 2012 the state had the highest number of fatalities in the country.

Houston Car Accident Statistics

According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TDOT), there were 47,585 traffic accidents in Houston in 2012:

  • Auto-Injury-and-Personal-Injury-Doctors-Dallas176 were fatal accidents, claiming 193 lives;
  • 5,387 were serious injury accidents, leaving 7,307 people seriously injured;
  • 12,014 were classified as injury accidents, leaving 19,703 people injured;
  • 28,050 were non-injury accidents; and
  • 1,958 were classified as “unknown severity.”

Types of Personal Injury 

Some of the most common Houston personal injuries include but are not limited to the following:

  • Traffic accidents
  • Injuries or illnesses due to unsafe working conditions or exposure to dangerous substances
  • Industrial accidents
  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Product liability cases
  • Defective or unsafe pharmaceutical products

Personal Injury Doctors Texas

Doctors Houston Clinic Explain Auto And Personal Injuries Whiplash

Keep in mind Whiplash can be cause by either an auto injury as well as a personal injury.

Whiplash is term used to describe neck pain following an injury to the soft tissues of your neck (specifically ligaments, tendons, and muscles). Whiplash is most commonly associated with rear-end car collisions in which the passengers in the front vehicle get their head jerked backward and forward causing injury to the structures of the back and front of the neck. Whiplash also happens during sporting activities, accidental falls, and assault.

Workers Compensation Doctors, Auto Injury / Personal Injury Doctors

(855) 632-4342

Open 4:30 AM to 11:30 PM 7 Days

Extended Hours – Local Doctors

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    Sprains, Strain and Lower Back Pain

    • Auto-Injury-and-Personal-Injury-Doctors-DallasA Strain  – occurs when the muscle tendon (thick bands of tissue) unit is overstretched or torn.   The most common reason is the overuse and stretching of the muscle.

    The damage may occur in 3 areas:

    • The muscle itself may tear.
    • The area where the muscle and tendon blend can tear.
    • The tendon may tear partially or completely rupture.
    • A Sprain –  joints are stabilized by thick bands of tissue called ligaments which surround them. These ligaments allow the joint to move only in specific directions. Some joints move in multiple levels; therefore, they require more than one group of ligaments to hold the joint in proper alignment.  If a ligament is stretched or torn, the injury is called a sprain.
    • Lower Back Pain – is one of most prevalent types of chronic pain.  Even minor fender benders, slips or falls to name a few can create some major back aches.

    The spine is the most important part of our skeletons. Spinal injuries is a common auto injury. Vertebral fracture and spinal instability can result from the force of a high speed collision.

    If you’ve been injured, don’t wait to get help! Not sure about Houston, Texas Personal Injury Laws?

    Do you in need some advice regarding of Houston, Texas Auto Injury Laws?

    Call or stop by the Auto and Personal Injury Doctors Houston Texas Now!


    Workers Compensation & Personal Injury, Auto Injury Doctors – We specialize in treating injured Patients and know how to handle insurance paper-work.

    Workers Compensation Doctors Network | Auto Injury Doctors | Personal Injury Doctors - Best Doctors Network (855) 632-4342

    Workers Compensation & Auto Injury / Personal Injury Doctors

     (855) 632-4342

    Open 4:30 AM to 11:30 PM 7 Days

    Extended Hours- Local Patients