Auto and Personal Injury Doctors San Antonio Texas


Auto Injury Doctors Texas


(855) 632-4342


Auto and Personal Injury Doctors San Antonio Texas

Auto and Personal Injury Doctors San Antonio Texas: by it’s patients that have come to us with auto and personal Injuries. The fact is that in our fast-paced modern cities, motor vehicle accidents are very common. An evaluation is crucial after you have been in an auto accident. Our staff is experienced and very knowledgeable in the expectable progress of your recovery from injuries such as whiplash, herniated disk, broken bone(s), concussion or even traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury.


Even though vehicles today are equipped with safety belts and  air bags, injuries are still very likely to happen in a  auto crash. In reality seat belts and air bags can cause cuts, burns, and bruises. In addition the impact of the accident can cause whiplash and back injuries. For examples include broken bones, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, severe burns, and even more.


Personal Injury Doctors Texas

Car Accident Injuries

Many auto accidents result in significant injury to the motorists involved. Some common injuries include but are not limited to:

  • Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries DoctorsLimb fractures
  • Muscle sprains
  • Concussions or other types of traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal trauma
  • Whiplash
  • Burns and related tissue damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Organ trauma or damage
  • Nerve damage
  • Pelvic fractures
  • Lung punctures or other trauma
  • Coma
  • And more…

“Hidden” Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries  conditions that are not discovered until days, weeks, and even months after you were in an accident.

“Hidden” injuries  usually result from the stress and strain put on your body from the force of impact of the collision and are less obvious.  These injuries normally will take longer to the injured person may not even begin to feel symptoms or become of aware of their condition until days, weeks, and even months after the accident.

Workers Compensation Doctors, Auto Injury / Personal Injury Doctors

(855) 632-4342

Open 4:30 AM to 11:30 PM 7 Days

Extended Hours – Local Doctors

Schedule An Appointment with a Workers Compensation Doctors in Texas - Workers Compensation Doctors Network | Auto Injury Doctors | Personal Injury Doctors - Best Doctors Network (855) 632-4342

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    Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries Doctors San Antonio Texas

    Texas Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries Doctors San Antonio Clinic

    Auto and Personal Injury Doctors San Antonio Texas have several years of experience in treating “hidden” injuries. The two most common forms of “hidden” injuries whiplash and concussion (mild traumatic brain injury).

    Auto Injuries and Personal Injuries Doctors San Antonio Texas

    Unfortunately these conditions are too often treated lightly or even dismissed by the people who are not knowledgeable in the type of injuries. Many times, even the injured party ignores what their own body is telling them. These are serious injuries let there but no mistake about that, this type of injury must be recognized and treated in order for full recovery to occur.

    Our Licensed and board certified doctors use gentle, non-invasive, natural care. Various tests will evaluate the functionality of your nerves, joints, muscles, ligaments and muscles which will typical reveal the  injuries.

    Other Auto and Personal Injury Doctors San Antonio Texas offer include but are not limited to:

    • Multidisciplinary team of medical care professionals in Texas
    • Cutting edge analysis and procedure facility
    • Advanced injury and pain administration
    • Auto injury and workers compensation declares handling
    • Pip and med pay, attorney letters of portrayal
    • Aquatic treatment
    • Physical therapy
    • Chiropractic care
    • Massage treatment
    • Car & & work injuries specialists
    • Discomfort administration
    • Vertebral decompression therapy
    • Medical physicians
    • Medications prescribed
    • Free transport
    • Se habla espanol! Bilingual workers offered for your comfort
    • Very same day appointment walk-in invited

    Need legal advice? Find out more about your rights…

    Looking for more information, forms, driving tips go to Texas Department of Transportation.

    Our professional  doctors, nurse and staff can help provide you pain relief, and will work with you to ensure you regain your normal level of activity.

    Call or stop by the Doctors San Antonio Clinic Auto and Personal Injuries in Texas Now!


    Workers Compensation & Personal Injury, Auto Injury Doctors – We specialize in treating injured Patients and know how to handle insurance paper-work.

    Workers Compensation Doctors Network | Auto Injury Doctors | Personal Injury Doctors - Best Doctors Network (855) 632-4342

    Workers Compensation & Auto Injury / Personal Injury Doctors

     (855) 632-4342

    Open 4:30 AM to 11:30 PM 7 Days

    Extended Hours- Local Patients