Worker’s Compensation, Auto Injury & Personal Injury Doctors Network
Best Doctors Network is a group that consist of a very skilled and knowledgeable team. Our Texas Workers Compensation Patients (which have a state-funded program that covers medical expenses and income loss for any work-related illness or injury), will be supplied with the essential paperwork that is required in order to submit your medical claims to your Texas workmen’s comp insurance.
Texas Physicians Who Specialize in Diagnose and Various Kinds Treatments: Don’t wait to see a doctor if you have been in an auto accident and have suffered any injury. We have some of the best auto injuries and personal injuries physicians in Texas standing by waiting to assist you. Injuries suffered in a car accident are different types of injures. Waiting only prolongs your recovery process.
Diagnosis is made by a physician that will thoroughly go through a patient history, and perform a head, neck and back examination, X-rays to rule out bone fractures and flexion-extension views to help diagnose ligament instability. Spinal ligaments are especially vulnerable to overstretching or tears in a car wreck and can be a major cause of permanent impairment and disability.
Extended Hours – Local Doctors
Extended Hours- Local Patients